With the Open Social Value Bank, you can see how much a particular social intervention pays off in monetary terms, for example if you reduce loneliness, stress or anxiety.
Launch of the Open Social Value Bank
June 14, 2023

OpenSocial Value Bank has just launched a value bank with social values, and we have been responsible for the IT development of the value bank.

With the value bank, social service providers can see how much a particular intervention pays off in monetary terms if, for example, it reduces loneliness, stress or unemployment.

Because as chairman of OSVB, Ludvig Wier, says:

"Social action that improves people's life satisfaction doesn't just have an effect on the individual. It also has an economic benefit for society. By making social values accessible, we hope to standardize the valuation of social change. That way, we can begin to measure and clarify the changes that social action creates."

There is incredible potential for our society if we can standardize the valuation of social change, and now we've taken a big step in the right direction.

The value bank was developed by the University of Copenhagen - University of Copenhagen and Ramboll Management Consulting.

We would also like to thank Economists Without Borders for the overall project management and progress of the project, and Impactly for the IT development.

Open Social Value Bank is supported by TrygFonden and Rambøll Fonden / Ramboll Foundation.

We look forward to further collaboration and seeing what the future holds for Open Social Value Bank - it won't be boring!

Executive summary
This news refers to the press release from the Open Social Value Bank (OSVB) and the launch of this collaborative initiative between Impactly, University of Copenhagen, Rambøll Management Consulting and supporters TrygFonden, Rambøll Fonden and project management by Economists Without Borders. The initiative aims to create a value bank with a focus on creating transparency about well-being data in and outside of Denmark.
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