Ziggi (KU) explains how we at OSVB work with social valuation and why it is so important that we as a society start valuing our well-being
How do you put a price tag on wellbeing?
October 24, 2023

Wellbeing is crucial for our health behaviors, risk behaviors, our short- and long-term decisions, and our interactions with social relationships.

But despite this, there is no value for it.

At Open Social Value Bank, we work with social valuation, where we value the things we value, such as close relationships.

Here, Ziggi Ivan Santini from the University of Copenhagen explains how we at Open Social Value Bank work with social valuation and why it is so important that we as a society start valuing our well-being.

Executive summary
Ziggi from the University of Copenhagen explains how we at OSVB work with social valuation and why it is so important that we as a society start valuing our wellbeing.
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